toovar dal recipe | toor dal | Gujarati toor dal | healthy arhar dal | with 20 amazing images. toovar dal recipe easy though it is to make, is the ultimate...
When you feel like having a light, elegantly flavoured soup, the Cucumber and Lettuce Soup is an option you will appreciate! Since the soup does not have...
Baked Mexican Rice with Cheese Patties is simply party perfect! Although it involves preparing the Mexican rice, cheese patties and a special tomato sauce...
Although very easy and fast, semolina pancakes are very nutritious too as they contain a bouquet of veggies like capsicum, carrots and cabbage, not to...
minty couscous recipe | healthy minty couscous salad | Indian style couscous | lemon mint couscous | with 19 amazing images.minty couscous is a healthy...
Scrambled Eggs is an international favourite, especially at breakfast time. It is easy to make, sumptuous and amazingly tasty, so why not give it a try?...
Cabbage rice is just the thing to make when you get back home late and wish for a quick-fix but filling dinner! sliced capsicum and a very mild dose of...
aloo tikki recipe | Punjabi aloo tikki | aloo ki patties | aloo ki tikki | aloo cutlet | with 15 amazing images.One of the most popular Indian street foods,...
Batata Vada, this popular street-food from Western India has gained a place in the hearts of Indians all over the country. Potatoes ensure that these vadas...
sweet corn and spring onion soup recipe | veg spring onion and corn soup | healthy heart, pregnancy friendly sweet corn and spring onion soup | with amazing...
cucumber and carrot curd rice recipe | Indian carrot cucumber curd rice | South Indian curd rice with carrots | cucumber carrot curd for acidity with 19...